Cheese sommelier

July, 2014 → December, 2018

Online store for the largest mono-grocery chain of cheese stores in Russia

Design, development and maintenance. The website has been adapted for tablets and smartphones

Product page

In a separate block the main characteristics of the cheese are indicated, for example: country of manufacture, type of milk, taste, aroma, fat content …


Icons of flags of manufacturing countries

Each flag is drawn manually on a pixel grid. It was especially interesting to draw the flags of Great Britain, Greece and Tunisia :)

ARTVENTO — Сырный сомелье, странны производители


The basket is available on each page of the online store, and you can also change the quantity of goods in it. It also shows the cost of delivery and telephone for inquiries

ARTVENTO - Сырный сомелье, корзина мониторARTVENTO - Сырный сомелье, корзина смартфон